Posted by: starspheres | December 19, 2008

Jon Favreau – Obama’s Speechwriter


Jon Favreau (born June 6, 1981) has been named to serve in <a href=”“>President Barack Obama‘s White House as Director of Speechwriting. Previously, he was the chief speechwriter for Obama’s 2008 campaign for President of the United States.

Favreau joined Senator John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign after graduating from Holy Cross in 2003 as the valedictorian. Obama communications aide Robert Gibbs, who had worked for Kerry’s campaign, recommended his former colleague Favreau to Obama as an excellent writer. In 2005, Favreau began working for Barack Obama in his U.S. Senate office, before joining Obama’s presidential campaign as chief speechwriter in 2007.

Favreau has likened his position to “Ted Williams’s batting coach,” because of Obama’s celebrated abilities as a speaker and writer. Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said of Favreau, “Barack trusts him…And Barack doesn’t trust too many folks with that — the notion of surrendering that much authority over his own words.”

Favreau is not related to the actor and director Jon Favreau.

On December 5, 2008, a picture of Favreau performing a suggestive gesture to a cardboard cut-out of Hillary Clinton surfaced on Facebook. Favreau issued an apology to Clinton, whose spokesman referred to the photo as “an example of just good-natured fun between former rival camps”.


– quoted from wikipedia & photos from the New York Times

such a young man whose words has conquered the world’s most dominating country.. the morale of the story is never underestimate those who are younger than you.. they could be way better in doing things that you thought you did…

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